BUGG Finance AMA Recap

BUGG Finance
4 min readJul 2, 2021


July 02, 10:00 AM (UTC)

Hotbit AMA Host :
Hello, everyone.

I am sure you all are very excited for today's AMA session.

Hello, Welcome to Hotbit Global Community!

S Kumar:
Hi, good morning! Thanks for having me here today.

Hotbit AMA Host : Good Morning! Thank you for being with us today.

If you are ready, we can start

S Kumar:

Hotbit AMA Host :
Great, Let’s begin!

Q.1 Could you introduce yourself to our community? @skumar_BUGG

S Kumar:
Sure. I’m S. Kumar, CTO of BUGG Finance. I’m interested with cryptocurrency for more than five years. Our team consists of 4 software developers who have worked on other projects in the past.

Hotbit AMA Host :
Thanks for the introduction.

Q.2 What’s BUGG Finance all about? Give us a little summary @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
BUGG Finance is a project on Binance Smart Chain to add value to the blockchain ecosystem through its passionate community and rewarding the community back through its decentralized protocol.

BUGG Finance has witnessed very high growth rates in holders and the community which makes it stand apart from the crowd.

Q.3 Hotbit AMA Host :
Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
Sure. as i said eariler. I’m S. Kumar, CTO of BUGG Finance. I’m interested with cryptocurrency for more than five years. Our team consists of 4 software developers who have worked on other projects in the past.

Q.4 Hotbit AMA Host :
Then why did you and your team decide to build BUGG Finance?

Ans. S Kumar:
With the boom in the development of meme coins, a new era of decentralized finance has begun. DeFi has generated a trillion dollars worth of dollars in the crypto market, as the boom of meme coins, staking, farming, exchanges, and other finance protocols is seen. We love dogs and the power of community-driven meme tokens. That’s why we decided build BUGG Finance.

Q.5 Hotbit AMA Host :
As you told, there is so much meme tokens in market, then why only BUGG Finance..? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
With most of the meme coins it is all about buying and selling at precisely the right time, whereas BUGG Finance is so much more than a meme coin.

BUGG finance is a community focused project, which users are passionate about and BUGG leaves no stone unturned to nurture this community, and to give back to this warm passionate community, we have reserved 9% of the funds for education. Details are here:

Link: https://bscscan.com/token/0x550db12c0a48c494675f6d75ec684be196ea412f?a=0x12D87221818354D76f7F02C4F79AA254586A0117

As well as, BUGG Finance locked 100% Liquidity for 5 years.

Q.6 Hotbit AMA Host :
Let’s dive into your token BUGG Finance. Can you share with us your tokenomics? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
BUGG Finance is an inflationary token with deflationary mechanism, Transfer Tax.

BUGG Finance total supply is 100 quadrillion, from that more than 39% already burnt and as well as also burnt on every transactions.

Currently, 5% Transaction TAX is applied to all transactions including sell/buy/Transfer/LP add & remove. The tax immediately redistribute to all BUGG Finance holders.

Q.7 Hotbit AMA Host :
Does BUGG Finance get audited? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
We plan to get an audit when our ecosystem is more developed and DApps are improved.

Q.8 Hotbit AMA Host :
What’s the future planning of BUGG Finance? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
As we told, BUGG is already doing so much to accelerate the growth of the community. We have burnt as much as 39% of the supply and reserved 9% for helping the poor children.

We are going to bring a wallet application of our own that will allow users to swap their holdings quickly.

Our next planning is NFT marketplace, which will be one of its own kind, stay tuned for updates !

The craze of centralized exchanges is decreasing day by day with the complexity and security issues involved. Decentralized exchanges is the future and we firmly believe in this. So, we are going to launch our own swapping protocol named as BUGG Swap.

As well as we are also going to list BUGG Finance on more than five CEX till December 2021.

Q.9 Hotbit AMA Host :
For people interested in your token, where we can buy BUGG Finance? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
We’re listed on PancakeSwap.

People can use PancakeSwap Site or our own directly.

Please use this link! : https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x550db12c0a48c494675f6d75ec684be196ea412f

As well as, now we are also listed on Hotbit Exchange in BUGGBSC/USDT pair.

Q.10 Hotbit AMA Host :
What is BUGG Team’s Philosophy? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
Blockchain, we firmly believe, brings freedom. Freedom, political, social and economical.

Governance, Finance, education and services, everything should be recorded on blockchain.

Q.11 Hotbit AMA Host :
Where can we find out more about BUGG Finance? @skumar_BUGG

Ans. S Kumar:
Basically, you can find all necessary info on our whitepaper : https://bugg.finance/Whitepaper.pdf

And here are the links to our SNS for your convenience:
Website: https://bugg.finance
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/BuggFinance
Medium: https://buggfinance.medium.com
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BUGG_Finance
Global Telegram Annoucements: https://t.me/BuggFinance
Global Telegram Chat: https://t.me/BUGG_Finance

Hotbit AMA Host :
Thank you for answering my questions!

S Kumar:
We’re done picking 10 questions, thanks everybody for taking part of our AMA! Feel free to check us out at https://bugg.finance

Hotbit AMA Host :
Thank you so much. I really appreciate you spending your valuable time with us today,

S Kumar:
Thank you for hosting such a great AMA event!



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